Welcome to a new Junior Season!
We're pleased to announce junior training is back, starting W/C Monday 6th September 2021!
Our training schedule for juniors hasn't changed since last year. To find the correct training session per age group, click here.
Please ensure junior membership is completed and paid before the first session is attended. It's imperative we have the correct medical and emergency contact information for all juniors before they train with us. Click here or the button below to fill out our form.
Volunteers Needed
A reminder that we are hoping to launch a new junior committee that will oversee the management of our junior section. The aim of the committee is to help us build a structure fit for future growth whilst continuing to improve all aspects of our junior hockey. Any parents or existing senior members interested in helping out or looking for more information, please contact Lucy Regan using this contact form.
We look forward to seeing you pitchside soon.