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  • Writer's pictureWitney Hockey Club

Bev and Ben appointed Honorary Vice Presidents

Witney Hockey Club are delighted to announce Bev and Ben Campion have been awarded life memberships and will be appointed as Honorary Vice Presidents.

The WHC management committee decided it was right to reward the long-term service Bev and Ben have given to Witney Hockey Club over almost two decades.

Since joining in 2005, Bev and Ben have held various committee roles, captained, managed, coached, umpired, and volunteered at club events. More recently, as owners of the much loved Humble Bumble Horsebox, their infectious personalities have welcomed visitors and members to Wood Green every Saturday.

Bev and Ben represent all that is great about Witney Hockey Club. Their focus on community is unwavering and their kindness and humility shines through whenever you are with them. As they move closer to family up north, we are sad to see them leave. But we are forever thankful knowing they have shaped and made a huge contribution to the Witney Hockey Club of today.

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